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4 Weeks Ago
Dave eire
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 3
Opus 300 mutilroom

Me again,
many thanks for all your help, I am just wondering is there any touch screen keypad available for the opus 300 or do you know of any one that is compatible with opus 300, also on the LCD learing keypad does it show track names and no and will it be available in stainless steel
3 Weeks Ago
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 23

The Opus 300 doesn't have a touch screen keypad available but the Opus 600 series does however this is an installer only system which means you need to be an Opus trained installer to both buy and install it.

I dont know of any Opus 300 compatible touch screens. The Learning Keypad only shows you the device which is selected and not the track. It used to be available in Stainless Steel but appears that it is gradually being phased out, as only the white version is now available.
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