by Marmitek
The range of the X-10 signal via the mains depends on local conditions. As a rule of thumb cables should be no longer than 80 m. This 80 m is a radius around the X-10 transmitter (e.g. for a TM13 transceiver module: TM13 transceiver module), which means 80 m to the left, 80 m to the right, etc. For most normal houses this should not pose a problem.
Dampening due to equipment
It is possible that Marmitek X-10 signals are attenuated by devices and lights which are connected to the power line. In a normal home situation this effect is negligible (the Marmitek X-10 system is using active gain control to eliminate the effects). However, it is possible that a particular device in your house is attenuating the signals so much that the range of Marmitek X-10 signals is decreased significantly. When you have range problems, it is wise to try to locate the device which is attenuating the signals simply by unplugging devices from the power line, and testing the differences in range for your Marmitek system. When e.g. your conclusion is that e.g. your computer monitor is attenuating the signal, you can use a FM10 Plug-in Filter between the power line and the monitor to eliminate the effects.
Known devices which can cause attenuation are:
PC Monitors
PCs with heavy internal power supplies
Old Televisions
Plasma TVs
Fluorescent Lights
Gas Discharge Lamps (Energy Saving Lamps)
Distance dampening
The X-10 signal will also be dampened when the cable is longer than advised. The X-10 transmitters transmit a 5V signal via the mains. The receiver only needs a 15mV signal to be able to react (factor 300). There is some room for signal loss. In case of large distances, you can use an amplifier. You can only use one amplifier per installation.
Houses with 3 phases
If your electricity supply uses 3 phases, it can be necessary to couple these phases for the Marmitek X-10 signals. You can couple the phases by using FD10 phase coupling filters. These filters are necessary if the wall sockets and lighting points are divided over multiple phases (multiple groups are not a problem for the Marmitek X-10 signal). For larger buildings we advise using an active 3-phase amplifier instead of phase coupling filters.
The mains do not stop at the front door of your home. Everything that is attached to mains nearby your home can have influence on Marmitek X-10 signals (e.g. heavy machinery). If you think that your system is influenced by devices out of your house, it is advisable to install FD10 Phase Coupler/Filter on each phase entering the house. These filters will block signals coming into or going out of your house, but will also match the impedance for the mains. Hereby make your house Marmitek X-10 compatible for these units. The FD10’s will not only filter but will also couple the phases.